Pin codes list of Budaun, Uttar Pradesh, India | Search Pincode

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Pin codes list of Budaun, Uttar Pradesh, India

The country of Budaun city is India. The state of Budaun city is Uttar Pradesh. Thus, Budaun City is located in Uttar Pradesh State of India country. All Area codes with the Area name of Budaun city, Uttar Pradesh state in India's pin codes is listed in the above list. Here, you can find the Pincode of my location or Nearby Post offices with pin code of so many Areas with Pincode of Budaun, Uttar Pradesh, India as like Zarifnagar - 243638, Wazirganj - 243726, Usmanpur - 243638, Usehat - 243641, Usawan - 243631, Urena - 243725, Unola - 243601, Ujhani - 243639, Ughaiti - 243724, Tigra - 243638, Tehra - 243638, Tara Pathakpur - 243720, Sursena - 243726, Surahi - 243723, Sukrullapur - 243638, Sukhaura - 243630, Sujawali - 243638, Station Road - 243601, Sotha - 243601, Sohi - 243726, Sitholi - 243723, Sisaraka - 243632, Sisaiya Gusain - 243630, Sirtaul - 243633, Sirsa Khurd - 243638, Sirsa Dabrai - 243601, Sirasaul - 243633, Singraura - 243601, Singhauli Kalloo - 243727, Singhaula Daulatsingh - 243727, Simarra Bhojpur - 243633, Silhari - 243638, Sikri - 243632, Sikrauri - 243634, Sikandrabad - 243636, Sigthara - 243725, Shyam Nagar - 243601, Sheikhupur - 243601, Shahnagar Patparaganj - 243638, Shahjanabad - 243751, Shahjadnagar - 243639, Sateti - 243633, Sarup Pur - 243633, Sareli Pukhta - 243641, Saraira - 243724, Sarai Piparia - 243635, Sarai Brahman - 243722, Sarah Barolia - 243633, Sarah Bagholi - 243633, Santigarh - 243639, Sanjarpur Baljeet - 243639, Sangrampur - 243632, Samspurmalik Fatta - 243638, Samrer - 243630, Salempur - 243635, Salarpur - 243601, Sakri Kasimpur - 243601, Sakri Jangle - 243639, Sakhanu - 243601, Saitua - 243751, Saijani - 243635, Saidpur - 243725, Sahaswan - 243638, Sagrai - 243638, Sadullaganj - 243630, Rudauin - 243724, Rota - 243726, Roop Pur - 243601, Rizola - 243641, Risauli - 243639, Rewara - 243722, Reonaiya - 243636, Reonai - 243633, Rehariya - 243725, Rasoolpur Kalan - 243638, Rasoolpur Bela - 243638, Rasoola - 243639, Ram Zanpur - 243601, Rajthal - 243723, Rajpura - 243727, Rahma - 243634, Qazi Mohalla - 243601, Qaji Tola - 243638, Qadrabad - 243638, Qadarchawk - 243601, Puthi Sarai - 243634, Pusgawan - 243639, Pusawali - 243722, Puraini - 243635, Prithvipur - 243720, Prasidhpur - 243635, Police Line - 243601, Pipri Raghunathpur - 243724, Pipraul Pukhta - 243636, Pipla - 243635, Pindol - 243633, Pepal - 243725, Patiali Sarai - 243601, Pataria - 243722, Parveznagar - 243720, Parauli - 243633, Papar Hamzapur - 243635, Palia Pukhta - 243636, Palia Gujar - 243635, Paharpur - 243633, Noorpur Pinoni - 243723, Noorpur - 243601, Nizamuddin Purshah - 243632, Nizampur - 243601, Neora - 243727, Nawada Madhukar - 243635, Naviganj - 243631, Naushera - 243601, Nauni - 243635, Nauli Harnathpur - 243725, Nauli Fatuhabad - 243601, Narsena - 243638, Nana Khera - 243636, Naithura - 243633, Nagla Barah - 243723, Nagla Ajmeri - 243722, Nagarjhoona - 243633, Nagaria Khanu - 243635, Nadrauli - 243722, Nadha - 243723, Nadail - 243638, Musta Fabad Jaretha - 243638, Musepur - 243633, Musajhag - 243601, Mundia Dhure Ki - 243720, Mongar - 243601, Mohkampur - 243632, Mohammad Ganj - 243637, Mohamadpurmi - 243720, Mn Sulra - 243601, Mithanpur - 243638, Mirzapura Sohra - 243633, Miaoo - 243631, Mewali - 243724, Mehua Hasanganj - 242021, Mehtabpur - 243630, Mehmoodpur - 243751, Mausampur - 243635, Marauri - 243631, Manunagar - 243632, Mansanagla - 243631, Manikapur Kaur - 243635, Malpurtatera - 243638, Makrandpur - 243725, Majhara - 243635, Mailha - 243630, Mahclai - 243601, Madkawali - 243722, Lilwan - 243641, Laxmipur - 243632, Lakhanpur - 243601, Lahi Faridpur - 243601, Lahara Nagla Shyam - 243722, Labhari - 243635, Kurau - 243601, Kumargaon - 243601, Kudah Shahpur - 243601, Kotha - 243723, Kolhai - 243638, Kichhla - 243636, Khurampur Bhamori - 243725, Khukri - 243630, Khitaura - 243633, Khera Jalalpur - 243641, Khandwa - 243724, Khajuria - 243720, Khaill Pur - 243751, Kendela - 243601, Katra Sadatganj - 243641, Katiyan - 243637, Katinna Berchau - 243601, Katgaon - 243725, Kashipur - 243722, Kartoli - 243634, Karkheri - 243725, Kariyaban - 243638, Kariamai - 243724, Karanpur - 243724, Karanpur - 243635, Kangwagugna - 243724, Kama - 243630, Kakrala - 243637, Kakora - 243601, Kail - 243751, Jinaura - 243726, Jijora - 243727, Jhuksa - 243630, Jeora Parrwala - 243636, Jasrathpur - 243720, Jarwar - 243723, Jamalpur - 243635, Jalalpur - 243601, Jakheli - 243601, Jagat - 243601, Islamnagar - 243723, Isapur Baheria - 243639, Isampur Danda - 243722, Ikri - 243601, Ikona - 243751, Ikh Khera - 243724, I.a. Babrala - 242021, Husainpur Pukhata - 243636, Hirauni - 243751, Hazratpur - 243635, Hazarat Ganj - 243639, Hatsa - 243720, Hatra - 243726, Harphari - 243751, Halwai Chawk - 243601, Haibatpur - 243633, Gurhana - 243637, Gurgaon - 243601, Gunnaur - 243722, Gularia - 243601, Gularia - 243630, Gula Barela - 243631, Gudhani - 243633, Gotha - 243726, Gidhaul - 243601, Ghosali Bahan - 243722, Ghilaur - 243635, Gawan - 243727, Gaurami - 243601, Gauntara - 243631, Gathona - 243639, Garikhanpur - 243723, Gari Bichola - 243723, Garhi - 243639, Gangoli - 243632, Gandhrauli - 243724, Gandah - 243630, Fatehpur - 243601, Faizganj Behta - 243632, Dupta Kalan - 243751, Dugraiya - 243601, Dudhauni - 243633, Dinaura - 243751, Dharampur Tappa Vaish - 243638, Dhandwara - 243722, Dhanari - 243751, Deorijeet - 243634, Dehemu - 243636, Dataganj - 243635, Danpur - 243723, Danbri - 243632, Dakarapukhta - 243638, Daharpur Kalan - 243635, Dahagawan - 243638, Dabtori - 243720, Dabthara Harlal - 243722, Civil Liens - 243601, Chitri - 243635, Chitaura - 243631, Chhatuiya - 243639, Chhapra - 243751, Chaudhary Sarai - 243601, Chani - 243724, Chandoi - 243723, Butla Daulat - 243639, Budhawai - 243601, Budaun City - 243601, Budaun - 243601, Buda R.s. - 243601, Brahmpur - 243601, Bondri - 243636, Bisauli - 243720, Binawar - 243634, Bilsi - 243633, Bilhat - 243634, Bhusaya - 243723, Bhundi - 243641, Bhoora Bhadraul - 243636, Bhoor Bisauli - 243632, Bhirawati - 243751, Bhawanipur Khairu - 243638, Bhavipur - 243724, Bhau Nagla - 243635, Bhatauli - 243630, Bharkuian - 243601, Bhanpur - 243720, Bhamori - 243638, Bhakrauli - 243751, Bhagta Nagla - 243638, Beor Kasimabad - 243723, Beor - 243634, Beoli - 243726, Bela Dandi - 243635, Behta Gusain - 243633, Baudaun Kty - 243601, Basoma - 243639, Barsua - 243639, Baror Amanullapur - 243726, Barategdar - 243726, Barachirra - 243601, Bans Barolia - 243633, Bankota - 243726, Bandarai - 243722, Bamnausi - 243639, Baksena - 243635, Baksar - 243638, Bairpur Maharaji - 243722, Bairmai Khurd - 243633, Bagrain - 243725, Baburam Market - 243601, Babrala - 243751, Azampur Bisaria - 243635, Atarpura - 243725, Asrasi - 243601, Aslaur - 243723, Asis Berkhin - 243601, Asafpur - 243632, Asadpur - 243722, Arifpur Nawada - 243601, Ambiapur - 243633, Allapur - 243631, Allahpur Samaspur - 243723, Agthra - 243725, Afjalpur Chhaganpur - 243638, Abhigaon - 243631, Abdulla Ganj - 243639,

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