About Us

BusinessBajar.com is India's Fastest growing online B2B platform for SMEs, initiated & Promoted by Star IT Solution. It has been working in the market for last 12 years and serving as a B2B Marketplace for connecting buyers with suppliers worldwide. BusinessBajar.com provides complete B2B solutions including free business catalogue, free Classifieds, free Yellow Pages, free trade shows, free business listing, business leads, b2b deals, and business inquiries from India and around the world.

We are committed to provide each of the business entrepreneurs with the utmost exposure to the global market conditions and provide them a platform where they can interact with respective community. We intend to be a destination where all the requirements of the business entrepreneur cease.

We endeavor to grant a global status to every business irrespective of however small it is and wherever it is located on the earth’s face. Thus, we enable the businesses to have a strong stand against its peers by means of the B2B online interface.