Dikh Pin code - 151103 | Bathinda, Punjab, India

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Pincode 151103 - Dikh, Bathinda, Punjab, India

Pincode :


Post Office :


City : Bathinda
State : Punjab
Country : India
District : Bathinda
Postal Taluka : Phul
Post Office Type : B.O. ( Branch Post Office )
Related Sub Office : Rampura Phul
Related Head Office : Bathinda
Postal Division : Bhatinda
Postal Region : Chandigarh Region
Postal Circle : Punjab
Delivery Status : Delivery

Indian Postal department uses Pincode (Postal Index Number) for post office numbering. Indian Postal Code System Consists of Six digits, which is a 6 digit code, it's used to find out delivery Post Offices in district in India. The first two digits of the Pincode represent the state, the second two digits of the Pincode represent the district and the Third two digits of the Pincode represent the Post Office.

The Pincode of Dikh area is 151103. The City of Dikh area is Bathinda. The State of Dikh area is Punjab. The Country of Dikh area is India. The District of Dikh area is Bathinda. The Postal Taluka of Dikh area is Phul.

Post Office Type of Dikh Post Office is B.O. ( Branch Post Office ). Related Sub Office of Dikh area is Rampura Phul. Related Head Office of Dikh area is Bathinda. The Postal Division of Dikh area is Bhatinda. The Postal Region of Dikh area is Chandigarh Region. The Postal Circle of Dikh area is Punjab. Delivery Status of Dikh area is Delivery.

Thus, Dikh area is located in Chandigarh Region region, Punjab circle, India country.

In this case, the first two digits "15" of the Pincode represent the state Punjab,

the second two digits "11" of the Pincode represent the district Bathinda,

and third two digits "03" of the Pincode represent the Post Office Dikh,

Thus, 151103 is the Pin code of Dikh B.O. ( Branch Post Office ), Bathinda, Punjab, India.

The Pincodes are divided into 9 zones. the first digit "1" of 151103 represents the region i.e. Punjab,

the second digit "5" of 151103 represents the sub-region i.e. Chandigarh Region,

the third digit "1" of 151103 represents the district of that region i.e. Bhatinda.

The last 3 digits of Pincode 151103 are assigned to the Dikh B.O. ( Branch Post Office ) pin code officially comes under the Bhatinda division and Chandigarh Region region.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of Dikh Area Pin code

What is the Pincode of Dikh Post Office?
Answer: The Pincode of Dikh Post Office located in Bathinda is 151103.

Where is Dikh Post Office located?
Answer: The complete address of Dikh Post Office is: The Postmaster, Dikh B.O. ( Branch Post Office ), Phul, Bathinda, Bhatinda, Chandigarh Region, Bathinda, Punjab, India - 151103.

What other post offices are available near Dikh?
Answer: In case you couldn't visit the Dikh post office for some reason, other nearby post offices are: Rampura Phul, Rampura Mandi, Ramanvas, Pitho, Mandi Kalan, Kotra Koreyan Wala, Karar Wala, Jethu Ke, Jaidan, Gill Kalan, Dhade, Bhunder, Ballian Wali,

How many villages are situated near the Dikh post office??
Answer: There are around many villages in Punjab, which have the same pin code as the Dikh post office i.e. 151103. A few of them are:

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